Auto insurance claims can be some of the most expensive claims you can face as individual. Therefore, implementing some safety tactics while on the road can go a long way in preventing potential claims and disaster. The following six tips will hopefully keep you safe:
1. Stay focused on defensive driving
- Keep 100% of your attention on driving at all times.
- Use defensive driving techniques and be aware of what others around you are doing and expect the unexpected.
- Don’t use a cell phone or any other electronic device while driving.
2. Practice safe driving tips
- Build time into your trip schedule to stop for food, rest breaks and phone calls or other business.
- Adjust your seat, mirrors and climate controls before putting the car in gear.
3. Prioritize car safety
- Secure cargo that may move around while the vehicle is in motion. Don’t attempt to retrieve items that fall to the floor.
- Have items needed within easy reach, such as toll fees, toll cards and garage passes.
4. Make the time for driving safety
- Pull over to eat or drink. It takes only a few minutes.
- Practice defensive driving and give yourself time to react. Keep a 2 second cushion between you and the car in front of you − 4 seconds if the weather is bad.
5. Slow down
- Don’t speed − it gives you less time to react and increases the severity of an accident.
6. Think safety
- Always wear your seat belt and drive sober and drug-free.