Avoiding Pot Hole Damage

After winter or large thunderstorms, we will often find numerous new potholes. And if you’ve hit one before, you know that dreaded feeling; the heavy thud, praying the flat-tire light doesn’t come on, listening for the telling grinding of some loose part in your car. In fact, did you know that pothole damage accounts for nearly 500,000 insurance claims every year?

Here are a few tips to help avoid them:

  • Leave more space between you and the driver ahead of you. This is just general good driving practice, but it comes in handy avoiding potholes too. After all, the more space between you and the other guy, the more likely you are to notice a pothole and calmly dodge it.
  • Slow down. Ratchet your speed back a little bit to improve your reaction time. Also, hitting a pothole at lower speeds typically doesn’t cause as much, or as serious damage as hitting one at higher speeds.
  • Watch out for water. After a rainstorm or snow, potholes can fill with water. That makes them harder to see, and harder to judge how deep they are. That makes them even more mysterious and dangerous! So when in doubt, avoid them.

That’s why it’s important to stay alert, slow down, and keep an eye out, to avoid some costly damage and some serious s

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